Odum and Ellis Families Held Reunions

The National Odum Association held their Odum family reunion in Marion on July 18th. Following a group meal, thirty of the family members were given a tour of the Williamson County Museum. Members of the Odum family came from Texas, California, S. Carolina and Florida.

On the following day, July 19th, the Ellis family began their reunion in Marion. Members of the family are all descendants of John Ellis, a Revolutionary War soldier and free black man who settled his family in what is now New Denison on Rt. 166. The family held a picnic at Ray Fosse park on Friday and held a memorial gathering at the Ellis Cemetery in New Denison on Saturday morning followed by a dinner and entertainment on Saturday evening. Members of the family came from Missouri, Chicago, Texas, Virginia, New Jersey and Tennessee. Most members of the family came into the museum for tours and to delve into genealogical information that had been gathered by WCHS members Sharon Vansaghi and Leeann Johnson.


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