Eight New Indexes Added to Newspaper Index

Eight new indexes have been added to the Newspaper index link on this site. The book indexes  added were:

  • 1916 Events in Egypt, news from Marion, Herrin & Carterville
  • 1927-29 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 1, Johnston City Progress
  • 1930-32 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 2, Johnston City Progress
  • 1933-34 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 3, Johnston City Progress
  • 1935-36 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 4, Johnston City Progress
  • 1936-38 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 5, Johnston City Progress
  • 1938-39 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 6, Johnston City Progress
  • 1939-40 Hatch, Match & Dispatch Vol. 7, Johnston City Progress

Newspaper index link

Resource Index Reworked and Volumes Added

I recently went to add five more newspaper extract book indexes to the library resource file and found out that there was a 5 MB size limit to the online Excel viewer. Therefore, I have broken the index down into five categories to keep the file sizes down. Now when you visit the Library Resource Index page you will find separate categories to search under instead of one huge file.

Recent index additions were:

  • 1856-78, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1879-81, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1881-87, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1888-93, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • 1896-98, Events in Egypt, Helen Lind, (Marion, Herrin, Carterville news extracts)
  • Ozment Funeral Home, Vol 1, Books1-3, 1914-25
  • Ozment Funeral Home, Vol 2, Books4-7, 1925-45



Three New Indexes Added

Three new indexes have been added to the Library Resource Index. The volumes, Events in Egypt, which contain newspaper extracts from Marion, Herrin and Carterville covering the years 1899-1900, 1905-1909 and 1917 were added to our master library index and brings the number of references to 128,256. The extract books were laboriously compiled by Helen Sutt Lind. A special thanks to Chrystal Pehm for creating the index for the 1917 book while working at home for us.

Three New Indexes Added to Library Resource Index

Three new book indexes have been added to our Library Resource Index. The linking page has also been updated to reflect a current list of all books and their authors that are in the index.

The newest editions are the 1900-04 Events in Egypt volume by Helen Sutt Lind which contains newspaper extracts from Marion, Herrin & Carterville. The second volume is the index to a more recent audit of Davis Prairie Cemetery that was completed in 2015. The final volume is a new one to the library and is the index to Frick Funeral Home records from 1931-1940. The records were transcribed by Harry and Dorothy Boyd.

Library Resource Index Link


MacArthur Award Medal Donated to Museum

We received a MacArthur Award medal today that was given to people who raised their own vegetables during WWII. They were called Victory Gardens. The medal says National Victory Garden Institute on the front and the back says For Outstanding Achievement In Victory Gardening.

Its items like this that continue to enrich our history.