
Obituary Sources

Funeral Homes

Newspaper Microfilm and Archives

WCHS Obituary Service

Submitted Obituaries

Submit an Obituary

Funeral Homes — Local funeral homes often host obituaries dating back up to ten years or more depending on the funeral home, see our Links Page for local funeral homes. We have indexes to many of our funeral home records, newspapers, cemetery audits and more on our Master Library Resource indexes.

Newspaper Microfilm and Archives — Local libraries hosts micro film reader/printers with copies of local newspapers for old archives. Newspapers themselves archive some past issues and also maintain an obits link on their websites. See our Links Page or contact your local library and inquire about microfilm or search the newspaper website. Also, consider a subscription to archived newspapers services like Subscribers to often can subscribe for $39.95 per year. Be sure and check our Master Library Resource Indexes

Check the research library on this site for copies of newspaper articles archived in book format. — A subscription service which has access to obituaries online and established family genealogy trees with attached archives. Click here to go to Ancestry Obits.

WCHS Obituary Service — We have Obituaries starting about 1986 for Williamson County from the Marion Daily Republican and the Southern Illinoisan Newspapers. We also have obits of earlier years when we find them in our files or when someone lets us copy their private collection from Family Bibles, scrapbooks and keepsake boxes.

If you would like us to send you a copy of an obit from our files please send a SASE and $1.00 to the WCHS. If we have the obit we will send you a copy of it, if we don’t we’ll send your $1.00 back. Typed or printed request, mail request to the Williamson County Historical Society, 105 South Van Buren St., Marion, IL 62959.

Submit an Obituary — Please consider sending any old obits you might have and we will add it to the museum and online collection. This is one of our most popular files that researchers use at the WCHS research library. We would be happy to add your family to the files and post them here on the site so they will be accessible to research.

To view the submitted obit’s click the link below:

Submitted and Collected Williamson County residents, arranged by surname.

If you would like to submit a Williamson County obituary please use the Comment Form below. Submissions will be added to the on-line archive linked above.

Submit obits here. Enter your name and email address, then use Subject Line for the deceased's name and enter obituary text in Message Box. Thanks for your submission.

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